
In Muzn Islamic Banking, we are committed to provide our valued consumers with the best services. In the rare and unfortunate event that a consumer is not satisfied with results or recommended solutions in addressing complaint, the bank will do its best, to address them swiftly and proactively to prevent them from recurring.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is a verbal or written expression of dissatisfaction by consumers on a product or a service provided by Muzn. As a consumer, you have the right to seek clarification, feedback, or justification on any of your experiences with Muzn within the following areas:

  • Bank Products
  • Services and Servicing Channels
  • System performance
  • Shari'a compliance related issues
  • Fees & Charges
  • Promotional/ Marketing activities
  • Outstanding payments and Installment Collections
  • Consumer touch points (Branches, Call Centre, Direct Sales Unit)
  • Security and privacy

How to file a complaint?

We have made it easy and simple for our valued consumers to voice their concerns/complaints. You can raise your concerns/complaints/provide feedback through the following channels:

1. Call Center
• Call Center: 24 770001 (24 Hours)
• Fax: +96824942704​

​​​2. Consumer Service Email

3. Through our website

4. All Branches​


How do we handle consumer complaints?

➢ Once a complaint is received through any of our complaints' channels indicated above, the same is logged through our Complaints Management System.
➢ Based on the logged complaint through call center/branches and category of the complaint an estimated timeline of the complaint resolution can be provided
➢ Our aim is to resolve your complaint in a timely manner.
➢ In the event more time is required, or additional information is required, the banks staff will contact you to express the same.

How to escalate your complaint within Muzn:

If you were not satisfied with the resolution or it is taking too long to resolve your issue, you have the right to escalate this to Muzn management as per the following:

Level (1)- Not satisfied with the resolution provided / Complaint resolution exceeded 5 working days
To whom?

Ms. Batool Al Ajmi

Service Recovery Manager

Tel: +968 2477 8276

Working hours: (07:30 am - 03.00 pm)

Level (2)- In case there is no update or resolution of your concern/complaint after escalating to level (1) within 5 working days. Or not satisfied with the resolution provided by the Service Recovery Manager
To whom?

Mr. Said Al Marhoobi

Head of Customer Experience Division

Tel: +968 2477 8274

Working hours: (07:30 am - 03.00 pm)

Still not satisfied and want to escalate to Central Bank of Oman

You also have the right to escalate your complaint to the Central Bank of Oman in case you were not satisfied with the resolution/suggestion, or if we do not provide you with a final resolution within 30 working days.

Corporate Office:

Address - NBO Head Office Building 3rd floor, A wing Azaiba Tel: 24778526


Address - Al Azaiba, service road, Al-Watan Newspaper Building, near Al Fardan Building.


Address - Al-Janobiah Way no: 6901, Building no: 15


Address - Near Sanaya Roundabout Opposite Badr AlSamaa Poly Clinic


Address - Al Waqaibah Way No: 4803 Building No: 24 Block No: 2248


Address - Nizwa city Firq area Hay Alain Junction Near Aldiyar Hotel


Address - Al Zaky Building Opposite Souk AlMarkazi


Address - Opposite to Ibra Main Market

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